The tools you will find below support you with defining Digital Transformation initiatives in a structured way.

It is recommended to start with (1) analysing the current situation and starting point of your company with the help of a SWOT analysis. In a second step (2) defining or revising your strategic and operational company goals is vital to frame future Digital Transformation ideas. Directly related to your goals, you can use the well-known Business Model Canvas to (3) document the way your company creates value. Finally, (4) create a personal agenda for your Digital Transformation in form of a Roadmap and see how your ideas affect your goals and business model.

SWOT Analysis

Analyze and document your Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T) to better align your goals and ideas with your current situation.

Company Goals

Identify and document your main goals to support the alignment of digitalization ideas.

Business Model

Understand your business model and visualize its components.


Create your own Digital Transformation Roadmap and organize your ideas.